Charm Recruitment shall take all reasonable measures to protect the personal information of users. For the purpose of this disclaimer, “personal information” shall be defined as detailed in the Promotion of Access to Information Act, Act 2 of 2000 (“PAIA”) and the Protection of Personal Information Act, Act 4 of2013 (“POPI”).

The PAIA and POPI Acts are available online at As per the POPI Act, personal information refers to information that identifies or relates specifically to you as a person or data subject, for example, your name, age, gender, identity number and your email address.

With respect to the collection of Personal Information, please note:

Employee and Contractor Information

  • To comply with laws authorizing or requiring such processing, including (but not limited to) the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997; the Labor Relations Act 66 of 1995; the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998; the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993, the income Tax Act 58 of 1962 and the VAT Act 89 of 1991;
  • To conduct criminal, credit, employment reference and other related reference checks;
  • To provide value-added services such as human resource administration, training, performance reviews, talent management and other reasons related to the management of employees and/or contractors.
  • For remuneration of the person by admission of the person to the Provident or Pension Fund and/or Medical Aid providers and/ or other Policy providers, if applicable.

Personal information may be collected from the following sources:

  • In a secure and safe manner according to strict information security principles with safeguards to ensure its privacy and confidentiality;
  • For no longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected unless further retention is:
    • Required by law or contractual obligation;
    • Otherwise reasonably required by Charm Recruitment for lawful purposes related to its functions and activities;
    • Retained further with the person’s consent
    • After which the information will be de-identified and disposed of as per the Charm Recruitment Control of Records policy.

Sharing of Personal Information

Any information supplied to Charm Recruitment will be treated as confidential and Charm Recruitment will not disclose information unless legally permitted thereto. No information will be transferred to a Third Party without the explicit consent of the data subject unless legally obliged thereto. By providing the personal information, the data subject agrees that Charm Recruitment may transfer the information to the following people and organizations in pursuit of the data processing purposes set out in our Privacy Policy:

  • To the clientele who are hiring, including directors, employees, contractors, agents, auditors, legal and other professional advisors who are authorised to process this information;
  • To financial and government organisations who may request information from Charm Recruitment, in which case the data subject will be notified in advance; the provision of such information, including banks, governmental, judicial, regulatory and law enforcement bodies including the South African Revenue services and the National Credit Regulator;
  • To persons employed by Charm Recruitment to provide services on our behalf and that adhere to principles similar to Charm Recruitment regarding the treatment of personal information;
  • To any person to whom Charm Recruitment cede, delegate, transfer or assign any of our rights or obligations pertaining to products and/or services provided to the person or contracts concluded with the person;
  • To any person who acts as legal guardian, executor of an estate, curator or in a similar capacity;
  • To any person or persons who may be permitted by applicable law or that you may consent to, including persons or entities who may request such information to evaluate the creditworthiness of the person.

Your Rights regarding your Personal Information

A Data Subject (employee, contractor, supplier and/or customer) has the following rights to his/her personal information collected, processed and stored by Charm Recruitment:

  • Right of access to and the right to rectify or update the personal information collected;
  • The right to object at any time to the processing of the personal information in which event the consequences of the objection will be explained to the data subject.
  • The right to request Charm Recruitment to no longer process the personal information of the data subject should the information not be required for further processing or by law.

General Conditions pertaining to Personal Information

Charm Recruitment accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss, damage (whether direct, indirect, special or consequential) and/or expenses of any nature whatsoever which may arise as a result of, or which may be attributable directly or indirectly from information made available on these pages or links, or actions or transaction resulting therefrom.

The Laws of the Republic of South Africa will govern all terms and conditions of any products and services contained in these pages. Should you request products or services through the Charm Recruitment Website you hereby consent and submit to the jurisdiction of the South African courts in regard to all proceedings, actions, applications or the like instituted by each party against the other, and in any way arising from any stated terms and conditions.